Benign Male Gynecomastia Treatment
Where the blood serum levels fail to indicate any underlying diseases the man boobs are regarded as benign male gynecomastia, caused by an imbalance of male and female hormones. This is actually the most common reason for moobs developing. Furthermore, in cases of true benign male gynecomastia, neither exercise nor dieting will improve the situation.
Gynecomastia is notoriously difficult to treat and, generally, the best way to regain the svelte look without the man boobs is through surgery to actually remove the tissue and then radiotherapy to ensure they remain that way.
In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, figures for 2004 reveal that 13,963 breast reduction operations were carried out on men in the USA that year.
Some conditions respond to treatment with the estrogen inhibitor drug, Tamoxifen which is used to treat breast cancer. However, studies maintain that response to this treatment is limited and men suffering the embarrassment of gynecomastia often resort to surgery!
In the end, to clear it up once and for all so they can get on with their lives without this misery of tender and sensitive breasts forever being a source of embarrassment to them when they strip off.
This usually occurs as a result of obesity and, following a course of exercises on a regular basis as well as a successful diet plan, the pseudo-gynecomastia improves as the weight falls off.
Sometimes, after a successful loss involving considerable weight, it may be necessary to undergo surgery to tighten up the pectoral area. However, this is usually due to the presence of too much overhanging loose skin that has been left behind.
Once cosmetic surgery has removed this loose skin and the nipple has been re-positioned, the problems of moobs, due to this cause, will be over.
Before surgery is attempted, however, your physician will explore all the routes that involve medical therapy first: surgery is always considered as a last resort.
There are always risks associated with surgery and, in this case, complications could lead to the formation of a hematoma or a seroma; permanent numbness around the areola and nipple; and necrosis of tissue as the result of a compromised blood supply.
A new procedure that has recently undergone successful clinical trials is endoscopic subcutaneous mastectomy to correct men's gynecomastia. During this clinical trial, 125 breasts were operated on using this procedure, each person suffering from Grade IIB or Grade III gynecomastia.
The results were promising, with the chest contours, post-surgically, being greatly improved and fewer than usual reports of complications. During the follow-up period which lasted 3 years, there were no reports of any recurrences at all.
Certainly, cosmetic surgery is indicated in cases where men have lost considerable weight and have been left with sagging male boobs due to loss of fat tissue that has left behind sagging skin. Usually, surgery is indicated when the fatty tissue has become thick and fibrous, often due to it being a long-standing condition.
Liposuction is also suitable for male breast reduction. This is certainly a far safer procedure than full surgery to remove the fat, with all the complications that could ensue. More usually, however, cosmetic surgery and liposuction go hand-in-hand.
The surgeon will make small incisions along the line of the areola. Liposuction will be used to remove the excess fatty tissue and then, any tissue that is too thick for liposuction will be removed through keyhole techniques and excised out. Following this procedure, the patient will be expected to wear compression garments for at least 6 weeks following surgery.
The results are usually reported as being extremely good and most patients are particularly impressed with the complete absence of their embarrassing moobs.
Gynecomastia is notoriously difficult to treat and, generally, the best way to regain the svelte look without the man boobs is through surgery to actually remove the tissue and then radiotherapy to ensure they remain that way.
In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, figures for 2004 reveal that 13,963 breast reduction operations were carried out on men in the USA that year.
Some conditions respond to treatment with the estrogen inhibitor drug, Tamoxifen which is used to treat breast cancer. However, studies maintain that response to this treatment is limited and men suffering the embarrassment of gynecomastia often resort to surgery!
In the end, to clear it up once and for all so they can get on with their lives without this misery of tender and sensitive breasts forever being a source of embarrassment to them when they strip off.
Male Breast Reduction
Pseudogynecomastia is the clinical name for those moobs that occur as a result of too much fat being laid down beneath the nipple and areola.This usually occurs as a result of obesity and, following a course of exercises on a regular basis as well as a successful diet plan, the pseudo-gynecomastia improves as the weight falls off.
Sometimes, after a successful loss involving considerable weight, it may be necessary to undergo surgery to tighten up the pectoral area. However, this is usually due to the presence of too much overhanging loose skin that has been left behind.
Once cosmetic surgery has removed this loose skin and the nipple has been re-positioned, the problems of moobs, due to this cause, will be over.
Surgical Male Breast Reduction
The operation to remove male breasts is a completely different procedure to that of a woman's mastectomy. The cosmetic operation to remove excess fat and skin from an overweight patient with male boobs is also a different procedure to the medical removal of male breasts that are filled with developed breast ducts and fibrils.Before surgery is attempted, however, your physician will explore all the routes that involve medical therapy first: surgery is always considered as a last resort.
There are always risks associated with surgery and, in this case, complications could lead to the formation of a hematoma or a seroma; permanent numbness around the areola and nipple; and necrosis of tissue as the result of a compromised blood supply.
A new procedure that has recently undergone successful clinical trials is endoscopic subcutaneous mastectomy to correct men's gynecomastia. During this clinical trial, 125 breasts were operated on using this procedure, each person suffering from Grade IIB or Grade III gynecomastia.
The results were promising, with the chest contours, post-surgically, being greatly improved and fewer than usual reports of complications. During the follow-up period which lasted 3 years, there were no reports of any recurrences at all.
Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery
Nowadays, with more and more people becoming obese or greatly overweight, men suffering from Gynecomastia are becoming more of a problem. Cosmetic surgery to remove the man boobs that often occur as a result of men carrying this weight is certainly becoming more popular, despite the risks.Certainly, cosmetic surgery is indicated in cases where men have lost considerable weight and have been left with sagging male boobs due to loss of fat tissue that has left behind sagging skin. Usually, surgery is indicated when the fatty tissue has become thick and fibrous, often due to it being a long-standing condition.
Liposuction is also suitable for male breast reduction. This is certainly a far safer procedure than full surgery to remove the fat, with all the complications that could ensue. More usually, however, cosmetic surgery and liposuction go hand-in-hand.
The surgeon will make small incisions along the line of the areola. Liposuction will be used to remove the excess fatty tissue and then, any tissue that is too thick for liposuction will be removed through keyhole techniques and excised out. Following this procedure, the patient will be expected to wear compression garments for at least 6 weeks following surgery.
The results are usually reported as being extremely good and most patients are particularly impressed with the complete absence of their embarrassing moobs.